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Case Kontula: Respondents of the map survey

Sanapilvi karttakyselyn vastaajien kielistä

Our multilingual map questionnaire received 21 responses during the pilot. Most of the respondents were entrepreneurs in Kontula Mall. The majority of respondents were male (72%). Respondents ranged in age from 20 to 60 years old.

The most common mother tongues of the respondents were Bengali and Kurdish. There were also a few respondents who spoke Turkish, Finnish and Persian. One respondent said he was bilingual (Arabic and Turkish) and one said his mother tongue was Turkmen. Just over half of the respondents spoke Finnish in addition to their mother tongue. English was spoken by slightly less than half of the respondents. A third spoke Turkish or Arabic as well as another mother tongue, while a few spoke Kurdish, Bengali or Swedish. Other languages mentioned were German and Russian. One respondent mentioned speaking some Finnish and another some English. The word cloud below shows respondents’ mother tongues (dark purple) and other languages spoken alongside their mother tongue (light purple).

Sanapilvi karttakyselyn vastaajien kielistä
Respondents’ mother tongues (dark purple) and other spoken languages (light purple)

This is an English version of Pilvi’s blog, which you can find here.

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Eveliina Harsia

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